

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Electronic Cigarettes - Know About Their Components and Working Principle

You might have seen advertisements on TV, which shows that smoking traditional cigarettes will start building tar level in your lungs. Tar is the chemical that is produced when your lungs burn excess amount of tobacco or nicotine. Since traditional cigarettes will be prepared using higher concentrations of tobacco or nicotine, tar will be produced in excess amount inside your lungs, after each cigarette you smoke.

Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, are the best and most opted alternative for the smokers, in today’s world. Not only do the e-cigs offer the same level of satisfaction for the smokers like traditional cigarettes, they will even reduce the intake of tobacco or nicotine or 3000 other such dangerous chemicals by the smokers. Many chemicals are used for preparing traditional cigarettes.

Working Principle of Electronic Cigarettes

Combustion is the process that takes place when you smoke a traditional cigarette. After lighting the traditional cigarette butt, you will intake the smoke and other such toxic components in it. However, this is not the case with e-cigs. E-liquids are the source of vaping in an e-cig. When you switch on the e-cig unit, battery will heat the liquid and convert it into vapour. You will be vaping this vapour, which will contain the flavours at controlled levels.

Components of E-Cigarette

There are some important components of e-cig, which plays key role in the overall working system. Some are listed below. 

  • Batteries
The dimension of the battery varies according to the type of e-cigarettes that it is installed into. When you switch on the electronic cigarette, batteries will start heating the coils in the atomizer up to certain temperature. Once the e-cig unit is heated and ready to use, the indication light will notify you.

You can buy right batteries for your e-cig from the shops that sell e cigarette batteries UK

  • Atomizer
Atomizer is the component that will be designed with the heating coil. When you switch on the e-cig, the batteries will start heating atomizer coil, which then converts e-liquid into vapour state. 

  • Tank
Tank is the reservoir where the e-liquid will be filled. The dimension of these reservoirs will be different in each e-cig type. You can refill it every time you run out of e-liquids. 

  • E-liquid
This is the juice that brings out the enjoyment of vaping for a vaper. It is available in different flavours and you can choose the right e-liquid type to treat your taste buds.

Cartomizers and Atomizers - Which Is the Right Choice for Your E-Cigarette

Before deciding to go with either atomizer or cartomizer for your e-cigarette, you should first understand what exactly do the terms mean. Here is a brief idea about both the important components of an e-cigarette.


Atomizer, tank and the battery is actually the source of life in any e-cigarette. When you take a puff, the vapour content that you feel in your mouth is actually produced in the atomizer, since this component converts the liquid into the state of vapour, after heating the e-liquid.

Some e-cigarettes will be designed with another component between the atomizer and the e-liquid. This component can be either cartomizer or clearomizer. To put it simple, every cartomizer or clearomizer will be installed next to an atomizer, and hence atomizer is the main component of every e-cig. 

  • Working Principle
Batteries power up the whole e-cigarette unit, when you switch on the e-cig. When the coil in the atomizer is heated up to certain temperature, the e-liquid will be passed through the tube that is placed near the atomizer. The liquid will be converted to vapour and will be sent to the vaping unit from where you take puffs.

When your e-cig has just atomizers, then you can stay assured that the e-liquid will not be converted into vapour at unnecessary amount. Without clearomizers and cartomizers, your atomizer unit can decide about the quantity of e-liquid that should be converted to vapour state. This saves you from emptying the e-liquid tank all at the same time.


Cartomizers is one of the components in an e-cigarette, which were designed decades ago. The e-cigarettes that are available in market today are not designed with this unit. 

  • Working principle
Clearomizers will be placed in the space between atomizer and vapour tank in an e-cigarette. When the e-cigarette unit is heated, cartomizers allow e-liquid to pass through them to reach atomizers. The component is usually filled with a type of artificial filler known as poly-fill. This filler makes it one-time usage unit. Hence, you should get the cartomizers replaced with a new one, every time your e-cig causes trouble to produce vapour of e-liquid.

You can find e-cigarettes with different dimensions and working principle in almost all shops selling vapor tanks UK. Find the right component for your e-cigarette between cartomizer and atomizer and enjoy vaping to the fullest.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Beginner’s Guide to Help You Choose the Right E-Cigarette

Deciding about one particular e-cigarette is not easy, since there are many options available here. Each e-cig is designed with different working principle, and hence knowing about all available options is suggested. There are some factors that you should consider beforehand, if you are planning to switch from traditional cigarette smoking habit to e-cigarettes. 
  • Consistency of your smoking 
  • Possible number of e-cig batteries that you might require per day 
  • Will you be using the e-cig outside or will you be using it only when you are at home 
  • The overall budget that you can afford for purchasing a new e-cig unit
  • Will you be interested in customizing the e-cig unit with some accessories or are you satisfied with the basic design of any e-cig
Once you find answers for all these questions, you can then proceed with buying the right e-cig.

Basic e-cig Kit

While purchasing the e-cig kits, you might have heard about some “basic kits” that are suggested for the beginners. The e-cigs listed under this category includes some top quality and most opted ones. Almost all such e-cigarette devices will be available with accessories, and you can customize them as per your preference.

Finding the Right Accessories

When you buy an e-cig, you can see on the box that the e-cig can become your best companion, if you add right components. The components includes, 

  • Batteries
Batteries are like the soul that fills life into any equipment. When you buy a new unit for your e-cig, you can use them without charging, since the product will be available with full battery life. After completely using the battery life, you can recharge it by connecting the device to the charger chord, just like you charge the mobile phone. 

  • E-liquids
In traditional cigarettes, the flavour will be nicotine or tobacco, at concentrated levels. In case of e-cigs, you can choose the e-liquid as per your preference. The liquid is available in different flavours and also in different concentrations of nicotine and tobacco level. You can choose the e-liquid with your favourite flavour also.

There are many shops that sell E cigarettes in Birmingham. Both the traditional shops and online stores will provide you the opportunity to choose the right e-cig as per your lifestyle. Find the right e-cig type and enjoy your vaping time to the fullest, since vaping is comparatively healthier than smoking cigarettes.