

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Top Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

Deciding to quit smoking is a good decision but is a tough one to maintain as you need to follow a few tips to help you quit smoking effectively.

Try e-cigarettes

Electronic cigars are a great option to put an end to your habit of smoking tobacco cigarettes regularly. They help you smoke harmless vapour to offer a satiating feeling when you feel the urge to smoke and will make you reduce the need to smoke many times in a day. In short these e-cigs are a best choice to help you kick the smoking habit in a gradual way. However make sure you try vaping for a short period and refrain from using it on a long term. The quit kit is a best option at hand to help you quit the habit within a short period of time. 

Tell your loved ones

If you wish to stay firm with your decision of stop smoking then you can tell about your decision to your friends or relatives who really care about you to encourage and motivate you even if you slip down a bit. You can make a pledge to your loved one to refrain from the habit even if you experience occasional cravings.

Keep your breath fresh

If you smoke you might have experienced bad breath as tobacco can hinder with the freshness of your breath. You can reduce the cravings to smoke a regular cigar by popping mints regularly to cut the cravings and to make your breath much fresher to give you loads of confidence when you meet new people or while on a date. It also cools your mouth and intimates your brain about the feeling of satiation you achieve when using it.

Eat fresh fruits

Chewing is a best way to stop your cravings to smoke. When you keep your mouth occupied, it will not demand you for a cigar. It can also reduce the withdrawal symptoms and cut the cravings very effectively. Try antioxidant rich fruits like grapes or apples to lower the toxic levels and acidic fruits are also great in helping you refrain from smoking.

Drink water regularly

Apart from being a healthy habit drinking water also helps in lowering the urge to smoke a cigar. It offers a fresh and clean feel and offers a fuller feel. You can also try to consume grape juice to enhance the recovery process and make quitting very easy.


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